Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Final Music Video Plan (Bastille Of The Night)

Our Final idea for our Music Video, follows the similar idea of death in Bastilles Official Music Video for 'Of the Night'. We decided to stick with that idea after analysing the lyrics to the song and seing that the song may have an upbeat feel to it, but the lyrics are actually really deep, mostly about losing someone you love; 'Feel you give me love again' which we all decided is about wanting someone back after losing them, just wanting to feel them again. So after group decisions we decided to chose a broken hearted love story, about a young adult whos girlfriend has passed away and he can't get stop thinking about it. Bastille's music videos such as Pompeii and Laura Palmer all have a surreal feel to the video such as Death and the supernatural. So we decided to keep that similar feel to our music video plan, so considering that in the story his girlfriend has passed away, every place that he visits in memory of her she is going to appear and then disappear which is very supernatural and has a ghostly feel. The Music video will start with him standing at a grave yard looking at her grave with flowers, where it will say on the screen Bastille of the night. The whole video is going to be the journey of the young boy going to places that remind him of her, and the struggle of not having her around anymore, the changes it has had on his life. Which there are thousands of people that lose people they love every day so  music video showing that will work well. He will then go on to a river where they went once, a place they used to relax at a cricket pitch in the summer, and also just being at home together messing around with one another, in a young couple manner.

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